Finding Optimal State Capitol Tours on the Cloud with NEOS

My last article showed you how to find an optimal tour of all 48 continental US state capitols using operations research. I used the Python API of the popular Gurobi solver to create and solve a traveling salesman problem (TSP) model in a few seconds.

In this post I want to show you how to use Concorde, the world’s best TSP solver for free on the cloud using the NEOS optimization service. In less than 100 lines of Python code, you can find the best tour. Here it is:


Using NEOS is pretty easy. You need to do three things to solve an optimization problem:

  1. Create a NEOS account.
  2. Create an input file for the problem you want to solve.
  3. Give the input file to NEOS, either through their web interface, or by calling an API.

Let’s walk through those steps for the state capitol problem. If you just want to skip to the punchline, here is my code.

Concorde requires a problem specification in the TSPLIB format. This is a text based format where we specify the distances between all pairs of cities. Recall that Randy Olson found the distances between all state capitols using the Google Maps API in this post. Here is a file with this information. Using the distances, I created a TSPLIB input file with the distance matrix – here it is.

The next step is to submit the file to NEOS. Using the xmlrpc Python module, I wrote a simple wrapper to submit TSPLIB files to NEOS. The NEOS submission is an XML file that wraps the contents of the TSPLIB data, and also tells NEOS that we want to use the Concorde solver. The XML file is given to NEOS via an XML-RPC call. NEOS returns the results as a string – the end of the string contains the optimal tour. Here is the body of the primary Python function that carries out these steps:

def solve_tsp_neos_concorde(dist):
xml = make_neos_concorde(dist)
neos = NeosClient()
result =
return tour_from_neos_concorde_result(result)

When I run this code, I obtain the same tour as in my initial post. Hooray! You can also extend my code (which is based on NEOS documentation) to solve many other kinds of optimization models.

Author: natebrix

Follow me on twitter at @natebrix.

2 thoughts on “Finding Optimal State Capitol Tours on the Cloud with NEOS”

  1. Is there a good way to do this and have a specific start and end point rather than a giant loop?

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